
From a series of five paintings featured in TURNING ART online - 30" x 40" Acrylic on canvas. Shown: Cacti, Figs, and Small Peppers (below: Peas N Pod and Cherries) Originals available; prints available. Please inquire at

This award was created to encourage publishers to place focus on their covers. (A book is judged by the cover.) The "Book Cover of The Month Award" acknowledges great book cover design each month.

VIEW the BOMA Anniversary pages!

1st Anniversary Page

“Book Cover of the Month Award”  

2019 - 2020

BOMA January Awardee — January 2022 (not yet published)

* Book Cover of The Month Award *

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No talking pencils, fruit or flying carpets...just intelligent, meaningful stories that children and adults can relate to. This page highlights a collection of diverse children’s books by kidsShelf Books. Visit to see the entire line. These books are written to peak children’s imagination and tap some of their actual experiences. There are adventures that motivate children to think and play outside the box.

We try to encourage new writers to use quality & design production services. We also highlight illustrators, which we think have a professional and unique style. Hopefully, this will encourage new authors and writers who struggle to find a style of illustration for their books. We offer tips and give suggestions on creating great book covers.

We encourage new authors to participate in our Quarterly Book Cover Contest. (LIKE our page and stay tuned for postings). We comment on why winning covers were selected, giving writers a hint of what makes a great cover. Often, we have FREE book promotions. Again, LIKE our page and stay tuned for postings.

Art, Business, Culture & Community, Dining. Events, Entertainment, Health & Heritage to Build and Thrive.

The South Side Drive magazine is published by Real Men Charities, Inc. The organization’s mission is Building Healthy Families and Communities. The magazine is designed to be a catalyst for economic development, reflecting a truthful image and examples that demonstrate the art of living.

We seek to share the good news about Chicago’s south side and Black culture and serve as the Guide to the Good Life in our city. We are placemakers and keepers of the culture.

KidsShelf Books Quarterly Book Cover Contest

'Street Corner", Oils  (2007)  Original unavailable.  Prints ONLY.


Design & production of The SouthSide Drive Publication

AllAuthors Interview—

Many in my family are musical or artistic in their own ways. I’ve followed my father’s skills in the field of advertising design and visual communications. Being in this field has allowed me to venture into all areas design including furniture; ski clothing; film producing, direction and editing; painting and everything else creative.

I don’t remember the first story I ever read that made an impact. I read a lot of the Wilder series, pretty much because of their life of pioneering, adventure and living under the stars.

The most profound children’s book, which I’ve recently read, “JUST ASK” written by Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael Lopez. It is well done, with a great message and beautifully illustrated. Another book, which is not yet published, is written by Solo-Circumnavigator, Captain “Bill” Pinkney and illustrated by ‘moi’.

Growing up in a creative environment did influence my career. Art was always encouraged and supported. I never had any doubt as to what direction I was going.

However, I didn’t begin writing until recently. For many years I have illustrated for several writers, until I began to peruse the memories of my childhood and realized I had a wealth of stories to tell.  The first children’s was book, “Aaron’s Dream.” Once the flood gates opened and I churned out a dozen books, then, I had to take a recess. Illustrating my stories was something that came naturally and in many cases the illustrations strongly supported the story. In the 70s, while still in school, I designed books and book covers for Susan Ashbaugh’s “Lucy Parsons”; Eugene Bromel’s “Eugene Debs”; Novelist Robyn Williams’ “Preconceive Notions”; and numerous other book covers.

The plot for “When The Brown Bird Flies” was written about a dear friend, Jack

‘John’ Lyle, a sailor and a Tuskegee Airman. Jack was philosophical and inventive…hence the plot for “When The Brown Bird Flies”. In 2019, right before Lyle past, Anna Morris and I produced his biography, “Tuskegee Airman Jack Lyle, Captain of His Fate.”

A lot of elements go into the creating of a children’s book…a plot with a good ‘arch’; knowing the age group; age-appropriate illustrations (if it is a picture book) and other technicalities.

The book “A Visit To Mz Roberts’ House” was written by Anna K. Morris who also happened to be an business associate. The latest “A Visit To Mz Roberts’ House” was the second edition. Fortunately, Anna K. Morris, Donna Beasley and Emma Young are all professional, award-winning writers who worked in various advertising agencies for many years, so the projects were easy.

The role of illustration as it relates to children’s books, picture books, is huge. Books are visual projects, which is why it is key for writers to align themselves with good illustrators, someone who can translate their vision. There are many who take short-cuts when it comes to hiring a professional, and a great story may not make the same impact.

My ideal setting to write is early morning when my brain and thoughts are fresh, and windows with plenty of light and quiet.

There are many plots for children’s books coming, however, I just finished two narratives and I am working on a third. These books are on African American Adventurists from all over the country. The first was of close friends who ALL had stories to tell and the field of  other great adventurists grew. “Our Red Skies —Free-Spirited African American Adventurers Who Know No Boundaries” and “Navigating The Adventurer’s Fate—Free-Spirited African American Adventurers Who Know No Boundaries.”

AllAuthors, is a great site for promoting authors. Self-publisher and INDIE authors need great outlets to help promote their work. I certainly appreciate the features and promotion opportunities.

There are fifty pieces of artwork out on rotation at the time of this publication.

Below: 'Cherries' and 'Peas N Pod' from the series above.

Right: 'Bahia' 30" x 20" in Oils

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Original SOLD - Prints are available. Inquire

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'After The Rain", Acrylics  (2021)  30"x40"

'Shoreline", Acrylics  (2021)    30"x20"

*New Release* from IVPress, "Isaiah & the Worry Pack" by Ruth Goring and illustrated by Pamela C. Rice.

It's bedtime again, but Isaiah can't sleep. It seems he's got too many things on his mind: things he’s worried about. So Mom helps Isaiah imagine what it would be like if each of his worries were a block that he could stash in his backpack.

As Isaiah imagines hiking through the woods carrying his worry pack, he discovers the joy and relief of trusting Jesus with everything―especially those worries.

Coming soon from Raven and Pam:

"Finding Joy"

Written by Raven Howell and illustrated by Pamela C. Rice (Story Monsters Press, 2022) a picture book about working through grief to happiness after loss.

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2nd Anniversary Page

“Book Cover of the Month Award”

2020 - 2021


IVPress Zoom Meeting —

IVPress held an annual meeting of various authors, illustrators and other participants to inform us on activites and the workings within the organization and how they've made improvements and reached out for suggestions.

"In the seventh grade I read a book by an author named Armstrong Sperry: 'Call It Courage', it was a story that touched my heart because I felt very much like the hero of the story.  He, like me had been an outcast.  He was an outcast because he was afraid of the water.  I had been an outcast because in school I was one of a few black children and the other kids were not kind to us.  I grew up without a father, (my parents divorced when I was six, so my mom, sister and I were on public aid for a while.  Always on the outside never being a part of the crowd I felt alone.  When I read the story about this young boy who was on the outside like me, and how he took his destiny into his own hands and had a great adventure, I knew that was what I wanted too."      — Bill Pinkney

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Coming soon from kidsShelf Books—

"Windows Into African American History"

Written and Illustrated by Pamela C. Rice

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Logo Design and Website — (under construction)

Logo created for Ingrid Wallace Presents — The logo depicts working together for inclusion and diversity.

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a   q u a r t e r l y   p u b l i c a t i o n

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Our Red Skies

Free Spirited African American Adventurers Who Know No Boundaries

Navigating The Adventurer's Fate

Free Spirited African American Adventurers Who Know No Boundaries

Self-Published Narratives - Join us on Facebook

ONLINE $15   EACH — Please INDICATE which book.

©2022 PamelaC.Rice. All rights reserved.

Book cover design (Below). Book edited by Judge Stanley Hill and written by Dr. Dwight McKee

(Right) New brochure on paintings created during 2021

From the 2021 Painting Workshop season.  Check PAM RICE's Painting Workshops on Facebook for schedule, OR email at OR if you would like to sign up to get on the mailing list, please do so below:

No experience needed, just the desire to test your skills. You are guaranteed to leave with a painting you can hang on your wall. Paints, brushes and canvas are supplied. If you've never picked up a brush before, this is for you! Get on the mailing list!


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Visit the gallery at:

Real adventurers appreciate being in-tuned with mother nature. They have a sixth sense, a necessary intuitive tool to achieve the task at hand….it is called survival. It is essential for the ‘red sky’ experience, whether it’s sailing the high-seas, diving in the deepest oceans, climbing or biking one of the highest mountains or camping in lush green jungles.

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